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Netscape extensions

Netscape Communications Corporation (formerly known as Mosaic Communications Corporation) have added their own HTML enhancements, known as the Netscape extensions, currently only implemented in their Netscape browser. These extensions have not been agreed with the IETF working group set up to standardize HTML. Of course not all browsers will be able to display the enhancements, but browsers generally ignore unrecognized markup tags and display the text unmodified, so the display of enhanced HTML can still occur, albeit not in the intended form.

The extensions take the form of new elements and additional attributes to existing tags. This section describes the extensions implemented in the free beta version of Netscape (version 0.9 for Microsoft Windows).

[ITCP]Spinning the Web by Andrew Ford
© 1995 International Thomson Publishing
© 2002 Andrew Ford and Ford & Mason Ltd
Note: this HTML document was generated in December 1994 directly from the LaTeX source files using LaTeX2HTML. It was formatted into our standard page layout using the Template Toolkit. The document is mainly of historical interest as obviously many of the sites mentioned have long since disappeared.

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